Posted by marklame1
Having clients outside the greater Atlanta area creates a problem for SEO. If you search for life insurance in Atlanta, Google provides local results. Likewise, if someone in Chicago searches for life insurance, results shown will not be from Atlanta. Google uses all kinds of different ways to decipher your location and serve up appropriate content.
e<Meta>Star, LLC, we do thousands upon thousands of searches using a multitude of keywords. Those results are analyzed and compared to your competitors. Those results are relative to the geographical location our servers reside. If our client in Chicago tested our searches, he would see Atlanta search engine results. Conducting a internet marketing campaign for Chicago with Atlanta's metrics would be disastrous.
A solution many of eMetaStar, LLC competitors use are proxy servers located in proximity of the client's local search results. An arduous task, particularly if our client markets their services nationally or globally. It just doesn't work!! Though, an aside... eMetaStar, LLC uses proxy servers to distribute our massive amounts of searches. Google doesn't like large amounts of searches coming from one geographical location.
Our tools allow us to choose search engines specific to major metropolitan areas, regional and national locations. And, those geographical search engines can be customized with various types of parameters. Our clients enjoy rich insightful data considering their specific markets of interests. Those clients considering expanding their territory, eMetaStar, LLC can gather data on new competitors and launch a strong SEO campaign.